Monday, April 20, 2020

There will be a New Normal and what it looks like is up to You

We will have a New Normal in America.  Despite what many people originally thought when they complied with the “Shelter in Place” Guidelines thinking it was more like a 2-4 week vacation; it will take years for businesses to recover from this devastation.  The longer we sit and do nothing allowing the mainstream media and politicians tell us what to think, the more hardships everyone will start to experience.
At this point in time there are only a few people who are truly trying to seek the truth about if this virus is as deadly as all of the politicians have declared after using the graph that showed 2.2 million people will die from the Coronavirus by April 15, 2020.  By the way, the United States only has 40,565 deaths (this includes the inflated numbers where the medical examiner just listed the cause of death because they suspected the symptoms were related to COVID-19 like the CDC demanded and New York/New Jersey account for 22,500 of the deceased).  Much like the seasonal flu, Americans have the same .00012292 chance of dying from the Coronavirus.  With a little research, logic and common sense, one can find the truth if they wanted to.

The only way a National, State and Local Politician will change their mind and call this seasonal sickness what is and actually stop abusing their power by dictating who can work and who cannot is if they feel like they will win or lose votes.  They understand where their paycheck comes and although they might tell citizens to do one thing while they do another; the thing that means the most to them is their right to work.  So if the citizens all declare that we should open up the economy, then they will change their tune quickly.  However, until then, they are going to sing the same tune.  Fair elections are the only way to take away a politicians job like they have easily done to millions of Americans.

Small businesses will still get overlooked by the big banks, politicians and mainstream media.  They will still have to fight to gain market share.  Even though over 60% of the labor force is directly related to a small business, few will speak up for them as they battle the injustice that has been caused by a seasonal virus that will come back every year.

As America is coming very close to The 2nd Great Depression with unemployment rate nearing the 18% mark having over 22 million losing their jobs in the last 30 days; we can expect a rapid rise in crime rate, suicide, cases of malnutrition, prostitution, alcoholism and drug abuse, out of reach higher education, increased divorce rates and child abuse, higher inflation and overall decline in health.  Many more people will die from these decision that have been based on fear.  I wonder if the nurses who continue to get on social media crying about all of the deaths that they say are happening in the hospitals will do the same thing when it comes to suicide and other causes of a Great Depression? (DeliveryMaxx loves our medical community, but there have been many doctors who have sensationalized these stories to line their pockets since the government is paying $12,000 to $40,000 for each COVID-19 related case.

When you add on the 2.2 Trillion Dollar Pork Filled Stimulus Package that many small business will not receive because it is designed to help large companies and line the pockets of politicians and other leftist entities’;  the will be a New Normal.  There will be a New Normal for how we live our lives as you can see today people will not even look someone in the eye in the grocery store.  There will be a New Normal in business as restaurants will be forced to cut their seating capacity almost half.  There will be a New Normal at sporting events, church, schools and just about everything you can think of.

Therefore, businesses are going to have to utilize a complete Digital Marketing Strategy that includes positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise Content Management, increase in Social Media Engagement and Advertisement and higher Customer Retention.  To meet these strategies businesses must use Blogs, Reviews, Daily Post, Video Messaging, Automated Follow-Up, Email Blast and Website Development & Optimization.  Businesses will need to get creative to find ways of building back what was quickly stolen away over the last 30 days.

It is possible, but you will have to have a plan and that plan must have consistency. 

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in the digital media arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow our clients immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving our clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Better to die on your feet, than live on your Knees

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was once quoted as saying, “We, too, born to freedom, and believing in freedom, are willing to fight to maintain freedom.  We, are all others who believe as deeply as we do, would rather die on our feet than live on our knees.”

As FDR delivered is 20 minute 1,883-word Presidential Inaugural Address after taking the oath of office a month over 87 years ago on March 4, 1933 becoming the 32nd President of the United States of America; he stated, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.”

What a poetic words of wisdom we have to look back on.  Make no mistake, with unemployment nearing the 22 million mark which is almost 14%; businesses are going to need a lot more than rhetoric to keep this country from entering into The 2nd Great Depression.  Businesses are going to have to utilize a complete Digital Marketing Strategy that includes positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise Content Management, increase in Social Media Engagement and Advertisement and higher Customer Retention.  To meet these strategies businesses must use Blogs, Reviews, Daily Post, Video Messaging, Automated Follow-Up, Email Blast and Website Development & Optimization.

Over the next several days, whether the media reports it or not, many business owners and those who have questioned why the government continues to use scare tactics, are taking to the steps of Capitols, County Courthouses and other National, State and Local government buildings to peacefully remind our politicians that they must step up in a time like this to make the right choices. 
The fact still remains that the shutdown of our economy was prompted by the famous “Flatten the Curve” Graph made by Epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson who boldly predicted that the United States would achieve 2.2 million deaths by the middle of April.  Of course the premise of the whole scare was that 100% of the world’s population would become infected with the virus and with a little research one would find that this has never happened in the history of the world.  Nonetheless, the United States has 28,580 deaths that have been attributed to the Coronavirus which accounts for .00008661 of our population.  These numbers include the nearly 4,000 deaths in New York that were not directly confirmed but only suspected as people that might have had symptoms similar to those who have COVID-19.  The numbers have never added up, and “they” continue to move the target each time a new question is asked.

Those who continue to distort the facts are doing it in the name of “science”.  This verse often comes to mind from Romans 8:31- “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

A 2.2 Trillion Dollar Government Pork Filled Stimulus that many small business will not receive is not enough for you to stay open while people have been scared or mandated into hiding much like Germany of 1938.  Businesses must be vigilant in getting their message out to continue to survive.
DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in the digital media arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow our clients immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving our clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

How to position yourself for the Wreckage in front of you and your Business

There is great news that is not being shared with you on a daily basis!  Before we had more than 50 deaths in the United States, our officials utilized the famous “Flatten the Curve” Graph made by Epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson who boldly predicted that the United States would achieve 2.2 million deaths by the middle of April.  Of course the premise of the whole scare was that 100% of the world’s population would become infected with the virus and with a little research one would find that this has never happened in the history of the world.  Nonetheless, the United States has 28,580 deaths that have been attributed to the Coronavirus.  These numbers include the nearly 4,000 deaths in New York that were not directly confirmed but only suspected as people that might have had symptoms similar to those who have COVID-19.  Not sure why the government would want to promote fear, but we do know that hospitals are getting anywhere from $12,000 to $300,000 from the Federal Government by attributing treatment to the Coronavirus.  Of course, the Centers of Disease and Control (CDC) have recommended these practices.  The great news is that the over inflated death totals account for the virus is .00008661 of our population.  We don’t have thousands of bodies lined up in mass graves as some news organizations have stated.  Hospitals have thousands of unused beds, too many ventilators, and nurses are able to stay at home because there is not enough work coming in to the hospitals due to them turning away needed elected procedures.  Even better, it seems that even while blowhards like New York’s Mayor Andrew Cuomo, Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Dallas County Commissioner Clay Jenkins and many others who continue to spread a false narrative, the death counts for pneumonia, flu and other communicable diseases have seen a drastic drop in the mortality rate.  Some have even heard that Jeffery Epstein’s death might not have even been a suicide from hanging. 

Unfortunately, there will be victims that otherwise could have been saved in 2020!  As we have pointed out over the last several months, the decisions we continued to make would have much more dire consequences on many more Americans.  We predicted that America would be headed into a severe recession and ultimately the 2nd Great Depression if the unconstitutional mandates of businesses not being able to open their doors continued to happen into May.  Since politicians continue to skew numbers to fit their motive and citizens blindly following the sensationalized news trying to hide from a virus that will be seasonal (yes, it will come back just like the flu and common cold); nearly 22 million workers have lost their job.  That is nearly 14% unemployment.  The Great Depression of 1929 had a peak unemployment at 24.9%.   By the way, we remained at 14% unemployment until 1940.  At least our kids will have stories they can tell their grandkids of the hardships today’s decisions have caused.  We also will leave them with a massive amount of debt with the passing of a 2.2 Trillion PORK FILLED STIMULUS PACKAGE.  If we were to pay 1 cent every second for the next 63,418 years we would still owe over 200 Billion Dollars.  This is the tax burden we will be leaving behind.   A Great Depression will bring increased violent & non-violent crime, drug & alcohol addiction, child abuse, marital dissolution, poverty rate and a decline in overall health of many Americans.  Today, depression and suicides are already on the incline.  This is exactly why it is illegal to yell “Fire” in a crowded theater!  There will be more death caused from the panic than if the panic were real in the first place.

It might be a little too late, but there are many who are starting to speak up for justice.  Talks of election and voting out the power hungry corrupt politicians at the national, state and LOCAL levels is gaining traction.  Some people are actually questioning why they overreacted to numbers that never made sense in the first place.  There have been peaceful protest to open up businesses already conducted and planned for the upcoming weeks.  If we do not open up all businesses by May 1st we can count on experiencing The 2nd Great Depression.

For businesses that are in the same boat as DeliveryMaxx (companies that are trying to survive), you must be willing to see and adapt to today’s environment.  That means with more eyes than ever before looking at the internet for information, your business must have a complete digital strategy that includes positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise Content Management, increase in Social Media Engagement and Advertisement and higher Customer Retention.  To meet these strategies businesses must use Blogs, Reviews, Daily Post, Video Messaging, Automated Follow-Up, Email Blast and Website Development & Optimization.

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in the digital media arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow our clients immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving our clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

You may be a Small Business but you have a Big Voice

Many businesses are feeling helpless as the mainstream media, power hungry politicians and everyone takes to the internet to share their opinion over the dangers of coming within 6 feet of anyone.  As a matter of fact, nobody would have ever thought that we would get to where we are now back a few months ago.  It seems like overnight, our ability to conduct business and help our customers have been stripped away.  Below, you will read steps on how to create your voice to help your business reach the public and start creating a revenue stream to help you and your business survive.

It is becoming a common occurrence that the freedoms are being taken away on a daily basis.   In Kentucky, parishioners of Maryville Baptist Church vehicles were met with nails in the parking lot to damage tires while Kentucky State troopers wrote down their license numbers and placed quarantine notices of listed fines if they did not comply with staying at home.  Another church, James Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi was shut down Thursday before Easter while they were practicing social distancing in their cars.  Each parishioner as well as the pastor were served $500 tickets and a potential jail term for worshiping.  They were approached by police and told to roll down their windows so they could receive the ticket.  A Los Angeles County Deputy arrested a paddle boarder who was alone enjoying self-isolation activities in the ocean.  The only living things around him were the fish as the police waited for him to catch a wave that brought him into the beach to meet him with handcuffs.  A Colorado father was handcuffed in front of his 6 year old daughter and wife while the three practiced t-ball at an empty local park.  The Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, banned farmers from buying seeds, but allows the sale of lottery tickets.  This order was given a week after she restricted people from visiting their secluded vacation property.  The hypocrisy continues as Chris Cuomo, the New York Mayor’s brother and liberal radio host on CNN who supposedly contracted the virus quickly recovering was seen outside with a group of people after dinner. When a gentlemen riding a bike stopped about 20 feet away and watched him for a small length of time; he was confronted by a member of the group asking what he was doing.  The bike rider said in shock, “I was just wondering why someone who is advocating everyone to stay at home and not work was in public after he said he had the coronavirus.”  Now we have mobile phone apps, like the one in Texas’ Collin County, across the country encouraging citizens to report their neighbors just like they did in Nazi Germany in 1938!

These liberties are being erased on a daily basis.  In fact many Texas County judges are modeling their unconstitutional orders after far left liberal Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.  Jenkins violated Texas Governor Greg Abbot’s recommendations and imposed stricter enforcement of shutting down as many businesses as he possibly could all in the name of stopping the spread of a virus that has had 128,992 reported deaths (remember CDC has instructed Medical Examiners to list the cause of death to COVID-19 if they suspect the victim might have had the virus but it was not confirmed) which is .000379 percent of the population in the United States.

You and your business do not have to just sit on your hands and let the government or mainstream media dictate what your livelihood will look like.  With the proper Digital Media Platform, you will still be able to communicate with potential clients and customers sharing ways that you can provide them goods or services.  Here are some things that DeliveryMaxx highly recommends you to do on a consistent basis (If you have any questions on how to do these things, DeliveryMaxx will be happy to give you advice at no charge how you can do this yourself):

·       Blogs- These are written pieces that have the ability to educate the consumer with facts and supporting documents.  Great stories on how the product or service is being used can validate these assertions.  It is also important to insert current events into these blogs.  Letting the public know that you know what is going on in the world is important.

·         Reviews- Many companies talk about getting a “lot of stars”, but reviews are so much more than that.  The goal is to have customers mention the product/service, why they visited your business and who specifically helped them.  Have you ever notices negative reviews state all of these things, but positive reviews might be a one word or one sentence on why they are happy?  Businesses should make it available and easy for their happy customers to be able to share their complete experience with the world on multiple platforms.  Video Testimonies should also be part of every businesses digital media strategy.  If we can see a customer truly happy, then it is more believable.  If you are a business that still pays for “Fake Reviews” customers can see through this.  Number one, those reviews are not being looked at by the average customer and number two, if you are spending that much time on “Fake Reviews” your business will never achieve maximum profitability.

·         Daily Post- There must be a method behind your post.  Are the post engaging to customers?  Do they create an emotion that can create a call to action?  If you are paying a company to put the same post on your sites as every other one of their clients sites than you are not understanding how daily post work.  In addition, you should be putting daily post on all of your social media sites to make sure you are optimizing the opportunity to reach additional customers.  Be sure to post on all of your Social Media Sites.  However, you will want to make sure they are optimize driving traffic back to your website.

·         Video Messaging- There is nothing better than a candid video that talks about your business or the service you provide.  The most searched videos are “How to Videos”.  Everyone utilizes the internet to find information.  If you want people to search your business, you better have the information they are looking for.

·         Automated Follow Up- Customer Retention is easier than finding new customers.  Your digital strategy should have a consistent approach to letting the customer know you care.  This should also be in a digital format to allow your customer to easily share the information with all of their friends and family.

·         Email Blast- If you have an ad campaign or important information you want to put into the hands of all of your clients, this is one of the easiest ways to do it.  We don’t recommend to overpopulate your clients’ inbox, but strategic plans of actions can enhance your digital media strategy.

·         Website Development & Optimization- This is your new store front.  Since many brick & mortal locations have been shut down, you must have a great website that is easy to navigate and ultimately allowing customers to purchase or find information out about your services.  It should be optimized so your customer can find you.

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in the digital media arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow our clients immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving our clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!