Showing posts with label Social Media Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media Marketing. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2020

It’s a Great Time to be a Nerd

In the 1980’s it was unfathomable that “Nerds” would be ruling the world.  A fictional movie was even created which depicted Lewis Skolnick, Dudley “Booger” Dawson, Gilbert Lowell and Lamar Latrelle as heroes who would change how we view the intellectually gifted for years to come.  Of course, a year after the first of four Revenge of the Nerds movie series, we watched Chris Night played by Val Kilmer make being smart look cool in Real Genius.

Gone were the days that He-Man would rule the universe.  GI Joe would soon enter civilian life and “B.A.” Baracus of the A-Team was no longer pitying any fools.  Yep, Marty McFly’s best friend was scientist, Dr. Emmett Brown in Back to the Future and two teen misfits would design the perfect woman on a computer in Weird Science.

Today, we won’t be able to cheer for the gridiron greats as the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers have followed suite of the other professional sports cancelling the Pro Football Hall of Fame preseason opener over the fear of a seasonal virus that has a 99.7% chance of being non-fatal.  According to CDC Director Robert Redfield, who told journalist on June 25, 2020 that the number of COVID-19 cases was probably closer to 50 million than the reported current figures which means the death rate is closer to .26 percent which is a great cause for celebration.

Not only are our sports such as football, basketball and baseball in serious jeopardy, but we are seeing American Hero’s statues being toppled by protesters.  Protesters in Portland, Oregon gathered around a statue of George Washington and lit a fire on its head before destroying it.  New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio has announced that the prominent statue of Theodore Roosevelt which welcomes millions of people across the world standing at the entrance of the American Museum of Natural History, will be removed.  San Francisco protesters defaced and toppled a statue of former President Ulysses S. Grant who led the Union Army during the Civil War.  Even the mayor of Columbus, Ohio is trying to erase history or at least hide it by ordering the remove of a famous Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus who had been credited for discovering America in 1492.

Americans have abandoned following the likes of larger than life men Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan; putting their faith in people like 5’ 7” immunologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci.  We shut down the American economy based on London’s Epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson who stated 2.2 million people would die by April 15, 2020 from COVID-19 if we don’t hide in our homes for 18 months.  Of course he resigned from his position when he got caught breaking social distancing rules he implored the world to take while he was having an affair with a married mother. And don’t forget about billionaire Bill Gates. Because of his vast amount of wealth, he is able to invest in research that can encode medical history on a patient by including a small amount of dye with a vaccine.  Make no mistake about it…these “Nerds” are shaping our public and social policies that will affect how we do business for now on.

As the United States is trying to redefine our identity, many hard working Americans are just trying to provide for their families and enjoy watching their kids grow up.  According to the New York Times, the real unemployment rate is close to 20% with the over 30 million people unemployed which is the worst since the Great Depression.  In the United States, there are 30.2 million small businesses which comprise of 99.9% of all United States businesses.  These are businesses that are less than 500 employees.  They employ 58.9 million people which makes up 47.5% of the country’s employee workforce.  There is talk of another government mandated lockdown which can prove devastating to businesses just trying to survive.

We must embrace technology and understand how to operate in an adverse climate.  Businesses such as Signet Jewelers, JCPenney, Victoria’s Secret, Gap, Tuesday Morning, Chico’s, Bath & Body Works, Macy’s, Pier 1, Sears, Forever 21, Nordstrom, Hallmark, GameStop, Neiman Marcus and Walgreens are among the retailers that are planning to close stores this year.  Even GNC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection a couple of days ago announcing it planned to close between 800 and 1,200 stores while it looked for a buyer. Most recently, Chuck E. Cheese filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy while its finances had been in a freefall since the coronavirus pandemic hit.  Each of these companies failed to be able to provide their goods or services like before once the economic landscape changed.

To survive, rebuild and prepare for the next obstacle that will take place if our political leaders do not take a stand and make sound decisions; businesses will need to look for ways to shield themselves from a lack of foot traffic.  Utilizing the internet and embracing the digital age will be vital for your business to survive.

In short, you will either need to become a “Nerd” or look to a “Nerd” to help your business identify and reach your potential customers.  With more people utilizing the internet for their information and purchases, you can adapt and reach your clients with a digital media and marketing strategy.  Understanding that many potential customers and even some of your employees have been frightened by the news media and local politicians should lead you to investing in PPE products giving the perception that your business is truly a safe place to visit.  Being transparent to both your employees and potential customers will be vital for your success, so your online content should be consistent and plentiful.  This can be a bit overwhelming for some, but as long as you are using common sense with today’s technology you will be able to survive, rebuild and ultimately thrive.

DeliveryMaxx is a small business that takes pride in helping other small businesses succeed in an increasingly digital world.  That was our mission prior to the outbreak and news stories of racial inequality and continues to be our goal today.  If you need help navigating a transition to becoming more active on social media, building an e-commerce website, or post-sale communication with your clients we are here to help.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention. See how we have helped clients in multiple industries across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more as we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to your audience. or give us a call at 888-936-6299 today or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Is Public Fear Limiting Your Business Potential?

When I walked my daughter to her kindergarten class as she attended school for the first time she held my hand tight.  Although she was very excited and outwardly expressed that she was ready to gain her independence, I could feel the clammy coldness moister on her palms as she masked the fear of the unknown. 

It was the same fear my son had the first time I took him Trick-or-Treating on a dark Halloween night.  As we walked around the block in his favorite superhero costume, we came upon a house that was extremely decorated embracing the full spirit of the night.  It had realistic graveyards, strobe lights, bloodcurdling sounds and the most horrifying creatures standing guard of the loot ready to be handed out to brave little soles.  My son looked up at me and said, “Daddy, I don’t want to go to that house!”  Of course, that house was ours.  He had never seen the front of it in the dark on Halloween night.  He was afraid of the unknown.

We all have experienced the fear of the unknown.  Usually, our fears derived from the first time we experienced something.  Whether it was school, riding a bike, swimming, college, job, date or even our first kiss; the fear of the unknown increased our heartbeat, produced beaded droplets on our upper lip and sometimes buckled our knees.  A choice was presented as we could go forward and gain experience or avoid the discomfort and pause the anxiety for the time being. Of course, if you think back to all of the first, without facing our fears, we would not have gained the rewards that awaited on the other side of the proverbial door of the unknown.

Today, your potential customers are facing the same types of fears.  Some are still worried about a seasonal virus.  Others are scared that people who look or think different actually hate each other.  Much of these fears exist because of the media and politicians using fear to sensationalize stories, but perception becomes reality and the fear exist thus altering their buying habits.  Businesses are facing fear as well.  Finances are being scrutinized as the unemployment rate has risen to unprecedented numbers.  Global trade wars and oil production perpetuate the fear while analysts try to prognosticate the unknown.

Knowing and understanding that fear is an emotion that is induced by a perception of what could or might happen can help business owners help ease their potential customers concerns.  There are a few things a business can do to create an inviting environment to gain a larger market share.
Great Product or Service.  This is quite obvious to many, but we have to mention it.  If your product or service lacks in areas, your competition will fill the void and take away your potential customers.  Customer service should be its own mentioned item; however, we will state that people want to feel appreciated for spending their discretionary income with you.  Therefore, let your customers know that you value them.

Safety.  Whether you agree with the reports or not, the majority of the public is more knowledgeable about the spread of a virus even if it is much like the common flu.  Therefore, look into investing into PPE products to give an impression that you care about the safety of your employees as well as your potential customers.  Something as simple as making hand sanitizer available can go a long way.

Communication.  Today, people have a plethora of information at their fingertips.  They are spending more time looking at social media than ever before.  Sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have billions of users who are averaging as much as 8 hours a day on these media platforms.  It only makes sense that if your potential customers are spending half of their waking hours scrolling through content; you should focus your marketing and advertising resources communicating with them.  With the advancement of technology, you have the ability to provide a consistent message easing your customers concerns allowing them to research making the decision to conduct business with your company.  You should have a strategy that is easy to implement as well as consistent earning your potential customers trust thus limiting the fear of the unknown.

Business is no different than life and with social media your entire operation is online for the world to see.  As business around the United States are dealing with the fallout from the coronavirus outbreak and stories of racial inequality; now is the time to get back to the basics.  Many of the lessons our kids, you and me have learned through the years are applicable today.

DeliveryMaxx is a small business that takes pride in helping other small businesses succeed in an increasingly digital world.  That was our mission prior to the outbreak and news stories of racial inequality and continues to be our goal today.  If you need help navigating a transition to becoming more active on social media, building an e-commerce website, or post-sale communication with your clients we are here to help.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention. See how we have helped clients in multiple industries across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more as we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to your audience. or give us a call at 888-936-6299 today or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Little Engine That Could and the Lessons We Learned

In times of adversity we rely on our past experiences to get us through to the other side.  There is no doubt that businesses have had to grasp at history and lessons of our past to try to survive the current economic climate of the present.  We also have to believe in the goodness of mankind that there can be a fairytale ending.  Yes, business, especially small businesses have to continue to navigate the unknown as they have faced adversity from mainstream media misinformation and lies, power hungry politicians at the Federal, State and Local Levels and a majority of compliant citizens who were scared into believing the overhyped myths about a seasonal virus that history will show us that it was not much different than the annual flu.  Businesses are faced with trying to survive an unjust government shutdown, rebuild with irrational regulations and ultimately thrive by identifying and adapting to new opportunities.

In 1930 Arnold Munk with the pen name of Watty Piper wrote and published, “The Little Engine That Could.”  It was a story that many of our parents or elementary teachers had read to us.  The classical story is a helpful reminder about the importance of perspective, optimism and hard work.

For those of you that have forgotten the story, a train breaks down with a cargo full of toys.  It will not get over the mountain where it was supposed to deliver the exciting goods to the boys and girls by the morning.  There were several trains that opted not to help giving an excuse as why they didn’t want to give some assistance.

The first train, “A Shiny New Engine” came by and quickly dismissed the plea for help from the small broken down train.  It said it was a passenger train that only helped the rich and powerful.  Next, came the “Big and Strong Engine”.  It could easily help the small broke down train, but it only wanted to help the strong and didn’t have time for such an insignificant train like the one carrying toys.  Finally, a “Little Blue Engine” that was small and hadn’t even been over the mountain before came by and saw all of the distress the small broken down train was in.  It knew the troubles it might face, but armed with hope and a desire to help it accepted the challenge.  “I think I can, I think I can” became the mantra and the “Little Blue Engine” despite facing insurmountable odds was able to deliver the toys to the boys and girls by the next morning.

Our businesses have been challenged with “types of trains” that dismissed our needs.  Whether it was banks like Wells Fargo, politicians like the local County Judges or Mayors and the news media that sensationalized stories to scare the public into submission; business owners and their employees have had to keep thinking positive working harder than ever just to survive.  Now we are faced with rebuilding as States are slowly opening back up despite the forces from the opposition.

Businesses will still have to adapt to the new regulations that have been unjustly put in place.  One learning we can take away is that our society ingest its information from bold sensationalized headlines, innovative memes and 15-30 second videos.  Therefore, leaders will need to make sure their business is able to reach, communicate and provide goods and services using today’s technology.  This includes marketing, advertising, e-commerce and informing your customers and potential customers in the digital arena.  Digital Advertising is less expensive than traditional advertisement, but it has to be done right to be effective.

A day will come for the small business that adapts where instead of saying, “I think I can” we will be saying, “I thought I could.”

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in this arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Do Not Let Your Business Be Like Orpheus

Your business must have a social media presence.  This is a statement that would be truthfully stated at any point in the past 10+ years.  However, now it is especially important.  The past two months have upheaved business plans and many small business owners are deeply concerned for the future of their livelihoods.

Across most states, we are seeing lockdowns & restrictions being lifted.  Unfortunately, that does not mean the rocky path businesses have been placed on are at an end, rather further obstacles lay ahead.  And now is not the time to lose hope, I am reminded of the Myth of Orpheus & Eurydice.

For those unfamiliar, Orpheus is a legendary musician & poet in Ancient Greece.  He created music that was said to charm all living things.  His music was so beautiful that even trees would dance and are said to be frozen in their last dance to this day.  Most famously, his young wife Eurydice tragically died after falling into a nest of vipers on their wedding day, and not content to lose his beloved Orpheus traveled to the underworld to retrieve her.

The journey was hard, and when he reached the hellish underworld he played his music so powerfully that Sisyphus rested on his rock, all 3 heads of the dog Cerberus were enchanted by the tunes, and the lords of the Underworld Hades & Persephone agreed that Orpheus could return to the world with his wife Eurydice.  However, there was one condition.  Eurydice was to follow behind Orpheus and he would not be permitted to turn back to see her until they reached the end of the difficult paths & caves out of the Underworld.  Only when they reached the very end and into the light of the world could Orpheus turn to see Eurydice.  Thus, they began the difficult trek out of the underworld, leaping across chasms, up steep cliffs, and through narrow caves.  At last, a few mere feet from the end Orpheus suddenly stopped and turned to gaze into his wife’s eyes.  When he did, she was pulled back by invisible hands to spend her eternity in the underworld.

Many argue what could have compelled Orpheus to stop so close to his goal, but none can answer the question.  Perhaps it attests to the human nature just when it seems like success is at hand, the toughest part is behind us and all that is left is a little obstacle, trivial and insignificant to be overcome, that is the moment when we are tempted to lose our minds and undo everything we have done.  Orpheus represents all our missed opportunities, loves, friendships, and successes we have let slip through our fingers.
Similarly, for businesses, the toughest trail is behind us.  The few feet of adaptations that lay ahead might seem like obstacles that are unfairly placed and cannot be overcome, especially to those unfamiliar with utilizing online sales & social media marketing.  Fret not, DeliveryMaxx is here to help, whether you need to transition to an online store, increase your social presence, send follow-up to retain your existing customers, or any combination we have programs that are fully customizable for your individual needs.  Visit us online at or call (888) 938-6299 today!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Avoid Becoming a Statistic

In 1839 Edward Bulwer Lytton wrote the phrase, “The pen is mightier than the sword”.  This powerful statement suggested that the press is a more effective tool than direct violence.  During that time, newspapers were the primary source of information exposing the actions of the government.

Today, instead of reading a newspaper that was once delivered on our doorsteps in the early morning sharing events that happened over 24 hours prior, information is available instantly just by picking up a mobile device.  We are able to know the latest bulletins almost as quickly as they happen and in many cases while they are happening.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, WordPress, Blogger and other social media platforms allow readers to view headlines form an opinion and quickly react expressing their opinions.

There have been more post and comments with a differing of opinions about the current seasonal Coronavirus in a 60 day timespan than articles written during the eras of Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War II, Civil Rights Movement, and Vietnam War in the same timeframe.

One side of the debate on the severity of the soon to be annual virus falsely predicted 2.2 million people would die in the United States by April 15th.  They scared people into giving up their rights by ordering businesses that were less “essential” than a McDonald’s employee to close their business.  The government tried to appease millions by lining lobbyist groups with 1.8 Trillion dollars leaving 389 Billion for small businesses to beg for just to survive.  Their narrative changed from staying at home for 2 weeks to lessen the burden in hospitals to not letting Americans pursue life, liberty and happiness until they can completely eradicate a virus that will return year after year.

The other side of the debate acknowledged that there was a new virus that came out of Communist China, which was getting demolished by the Trade War against the United States.  They suggested that the only way we would hit 2.2 million deaths in a year (not 60 days as suggested) from a virus that has less than a .05% mortality rate was for 6027 people would have to die a day.  Using logic, they requested a recommendation of those that might be susceptible to the virus with flu-like symptoms and were concerned to stay at home.  Then the government could pass a much smaller stimulus to help out those that might actually be unsafe.  There predictions of The 2nd Great Depression is quickly becoming a reality as 36 million people nationwide have lost their ability to bring in an income which is more than 1 out of 5 U.S. workers.

Instead, the government from the Federal, State and Local levels have and continues to mortgage our future while the mainstream media perpetuates fear destroying the United States from within.  Suicide Rates, Child and Spousal Abuse, Unemployment and Alcohol Sales continue to rise faster than the predicted death rate of 2.2 million by Neil Ferguson and our local County Judges and Mayors.

Our society ingest its information from bold sensationalized headlines, innovative memes and 15-30 second videos.  Business leaders can use the current chaos to help them make decision as they try to survive, rebuild and ultimately thrive in this chaotic economic landscape.  Leaders will need to make sure their business is able to reach, communicate and provide goods and services using today’s technology.  This includes marketing, advertising, e-commerce and informing your customers and potential customers in the digital arena.  Digital Advertising is less expensive than traditional advertisement, but it has to be done right.

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in this arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How to sell to Ignorant Uninformed People

Ouch!  Now that I have turned off 1000’s of people with this headline, let me talk to those of you who want to have a clear understanding of what is happening.  In general, we only take time to read headlines.  Therefore, when you want to get a message to potential buyers, businesses must understand that most will not take the time to hear your message.  Our society ingests its information from bold sensationalized headlines, innovative memes and 15-30 second videos.

For example, we were introduced to a seasonal virus with symptoms much like the flu.  The news media spread the propaganda from certain politicians with a self-serving agenda and the United States was separated into “Essential” and “Non-Essential” classes.  We were only supposed to close down for a couple of weeks to minimize the burden of the hospitals so they could treat all cases as needed.  Quickly, this pitted those that could work to side with these ridiculous unconstitutional orders against those that were stripped of being able to provide for their families.  This gave the corrupt politicians and news media an audience who failed to question the actual numbers behind the misinformation.
As weeks turned into months, the narrative changed from relieving hospitals of the burden to the prevention of all COVID-19 deaths.  The Federal Government gave control to the States and power hungry local county judges and mayors seized unprecedented power to control their citizens.  These local politicians with a severe case of Napoleon Complex perpetuated the destruction of our economy based on ever-changing science without actually using logic.  They bullied citizens into submission by labeling them as selfish and greedy shaming anyone who disputed the illogical rhetoric.
Those that are still reading this blog have always questioned the numbers and information.  They have researched the facts and have come to a conclusion that the world is changing and we are expected to accept a “New Normal” controlled by a New World Order.

For those of you who like headlines, I am listing a few to make a point:

·         The economic devastation wrought by the pandemic could ultimately kill more people than the virus itself- Los Angeles Times, May 11, 2020.
·         During March 2020, the Disaster Distress Helpline saw a 338 percent increase in call volume compared with February 2020- Journal of the American Medical Association, April 2020
·          The Coronavirus Could Cause a Child Abuse Epidemic- New York Times, April 7, 2020
·         Surge in divorces anticipated in wake of COVID-19 quarantine- ABC News, April 17, 2020
·         Domestic violence has increased during coronavirus lockdowns- The Economist, April 22, 2020
·         COVID-19 drives alcohol sales and abuse- USC News, April 14, 2020
·         An unemployment rate of 23%. The real jobless picture is coming together- CNBC, April 23, 2020

If you have a business, and you want to spread your message; you must understand how your audience will find you on the internet.  Blogs must be written with attention grabbing headlines, pictures must be posted daily that show off your products/services and videos should be exciting, short and to the point.

We published a blog April 2, 2020 titled, “What the 2nd Great Depression will look like”.  Unfortunately for many, DeliveryMaxx has been spot-on with prognosticating what will happen if we continue to allow tyranny while trying to help businesses in all sectors and ultimately all of those who will be negatively affected by the shutdown of our economy. We have been writing blogs discussing the challenges business will face and how to survive, rebuild and ultimately thrive as the playing field continues to change.  You can read all of our blogs starting in March 13th through today by visiting

 DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in the digital media arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow our clients immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving our clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Some People are meant to follow and others are meant to Lead

Over the last 6 weeks a lot has been learned by our country’s citizens and leaders.  The stage was set early on with a group of government leaders who used a flawed graph that stated 2.2 million people would die based on 100% of the population contracting a seasonal virus whose symptoms are not much different than the flu.  As a matter of fact, the CDC just came out with another revised statement saying there were a lot less deaths directly related to COVID-19 than had been reported and showed the vast majority of those who might have a slight chance of dying were elderly or had an underlying health condition.  Many of the leaders used scare tactics and incorporated them into their political playbook to gain power while others followed the initial flamboyant voices and made their decision based on popular public emotion.
Much like in 1938 when only 13% of the German population agreed with the Nazi Party, the other 87% remained silent and let these power hungry leaders take control using fear.  Over 6 million Jews would meet their ghastly fate as the world stood by and watched.  Today, the majority of Americans have hid inside their houses allowing the government to destroy over 30 million lives since the middle of March sending the unemployment rate to its highest since the Great Depression of 1929.  The 87% of Germans who remained silent based on fear of perceived popular opinion may not have pulled the trigger or released the gas, but they were still complicit as they allowed Hitler and his party to lead the country to destruction.  A widespread defense in modern day about if the hype around the Coronavirus being a hoax is that the information by mainstream media, CDC, WHO, our Local Politicians and those that worked on the frontlines was false.  However, there were a minority that kept asking questions, even being ridiculed by their peers, and utilizing research to show the numbers never and would never add up.  They were ostracized for using logic and accused of being insensitive about those that might die.  This was even after they pointed out that there was never a plan to prevent mortality due to the virus, but only to allow hospitals to prepare for an uptick in those that might become sick.  The narrative has now changed to the prevention of all death from the coronavirus, which sounds just as farfetched as writing this sentence.  One thing is for certain, we will all die from something.  Those that are scared of this virus should be scared of pneumonia, flu, heart disease, cancer, common cold and even driving their vehicle.  Those deaths have claimed millions more than COVID-19 over the years.  Because of fear, our country is now on the brink of The 2nd Great Depression and will suffer at a greater rate than the initial deaths we were trying to prevent in the first place.

A leader leads.  A follower follows.  The difference between a leader and a follower is the willingness to be wrong.  When you're a follower, you ask the leader what to do.  There's nothing wrong with being a follower--the world needs them as much as leaders.  However, if you are a follower—be sure you know who you are following!

History has given us great leaders and leaders who took their followers down a path of destruction.  George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are considered great leaders while Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein have been etched in the annals of the past as an example of leadership by fear that has failed its people.

The best leaders have emotional intelligence; they may feel things deeply but they're emotionally strong and stay in charge of their feelings. Followers are more reactive with their emotions, while leaders are more responsive.  Successful leaders have strong convictions and are bold in their beliefs, while followers are less committed to ideals. Followers get out of the storm while leaders stand strong against it.   Leaders may be headstrong and determined, but they also know when to be flexible and agile. Followers are more inclined to stay on the set course come what may.  By nature, followers are more cautious than bold. Leaders combine big dreams and action; they leap into situations where both the payoff and the risk are substantial. Followers watch and take notes; they move more slowly.  Leaders tend to be decisive, opinionated and self-assured. Followers are more likely to see limits in their abilities and put more faith in the judgments of others.  Leaders like to have a definitive plan and a blueprint for getting results--a bridge between goals and accomplishment. Followers like to have clear instructions that allow them to focus more on their individual corner of big picture.  Leaders are almost always characterized by a clear vision for the future and sharing that vision with others. Followers either focus on the moment or sign on to a leader's vision.

Business leaders can use the current chaos to help them make decision as they try to survive, rebuild and ultimately thrive in this chaotic economic landscape.  Leaders will need to make sure their business is able to reach, communicate and provide goods and services using today’s technology.  This includes marketing, advertising, e-commerce and informing your customers and potential customers in the digital arena.  Using technology will allow leaders to build a strong following.

Digital Advertising is less expensive than traditional advertisement, but it has to be done right.  Every site has to be optimized and a complete understanding of each platform’s audience must be known.  There has to be a balance of daily post with branding and testimonies from clients.  There also has to be informational blogs and educational videos that show you are an expert in your field.  

DeliveryMaxx makes this happen on a consistent basis meeting all of your needs in the digital world giving you a stronger reach on the internet allowing you to focus on what you do the best.

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in this arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow our clients immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving our clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Your Business should be Free to Open Now

When government decided to classify businesses into essential and non-essential; they overstepped their power given to them by the people.  Remember, this was originally done with the reasoning of flattening the curve and relieving our medical teams from being overwhelmed by the millions of cases they said would storm the doors of our hospitals.  This did not and is not happening today.

Now the narrative continues to change on a daily basis and is perpetuated by fear.  Your business is essential!  Hairstylist are just as important as dog groomers.  The “hole in the wall” Mexican Restaurant is equally as valuable as McDonalds.  The Outdoor Nursery is as significant as Walmart or Home Depot. Our clothing and shoe stores are imperative much like roofers.  Churches and religious institutions are just as vital as our government offices and liquor stores (and right now I would argue they are more important.)

Even though there is a different argument every day as to why we should not completely open up the economy, the one pushback that cannot be disputed is that if the virus is as bad as CDC, WHO, Government Officials and certain members of the Medical Community are saying; then why did we leave open those businesses that serve 1000’s of customers a day and shut down businesses that might only serve 1000 customers in a month?  In addition, we are releasing rapist from prison, but incarcerating parents playing with their kids and businesses trying to safely open up to put food on their table.

Those businesses that have been devastated by shutting down the economy and 30.3 million who are now unemployed have NEVER said their lives mattered more than those who MIGHT be infected with the SEASONAL VIRUS.  They said, entering The Second Great Depression will kill people too.  However, those who continue to sensationalize the COVID-19 death totals are not sharing the same information about those who are going to be negatively affected by not being able to provide for their families.  And yes… people will DIE because of this.  Of course those same people don’t talk about the deaths from abortion, automotive accidents, flu, cancer and other causes of death that have a much higher mortality rate.  Those in business have always said, “If you think you might get sick from this virus or even die; stay home and protect yourself.”  This makes a lot of sense because if you quarantine yourself from everyone, you will not have the exposure to the virus…only those who go out would have this exposure and you have the power NOT to visit them.  We would not have had to pass a 2.2 Pork Filled Stimulus package where 1.8 Trillion went to everything but the small businesses that were financially effected by this seasonal virus.

Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

In 1938, 13% of the population of Germany believed in what Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party proclaimed and that was that JEWS were worse than animals and were the cause of all of Germany’s social and financial problems.  EIGHTY-SEVEN PERCENT of German citizens did not believe this to be true.  Yet, 6 MILLION JEWS paid with their life as the MAJORITY STAYED SILENT.  Those of us who have grandparents and great grandparents who were German citizens at the time know these stories very well.  Some of us have seen the regret on their faces because they were part of the 87% who stayed silent ultimately allowing 6 Million innocent men, women and children die at the hands of the political elite.

Your business is ESSENTIAL.  It should be opened up today.  It should have never been shut down in the first place.  Now businesses must work on a new playing field.  To survive, rebuild and ultimately thrive again businesses must take 2 steps:

·         Step 1: Prepare your business by supplying your company with the suggested PPE Supplies.  You can purchase these supplies that have been recommended by the CDC and FDA from companies like Apache Commodities.  Don’t give anyone a reason to deem your business unsafe.

·         Step 2: Make sure your business is able to reach, communicate and provide goods and services using today’s technology.  This includes marketing, advertising, e-commerce and informing your customers and potential customers in the digital arena.  Talk to experts to find out how you can transform your business utilizing the internet to continue to do what you are an expert at doing.

Digital Advertising is less expensive than traditional advertisement, but it has to be done right.  Every site has to be optimized and a complete understanding of each platform’s audience must be known.  There has to be a balance of daily post with branding and testimonies from clients.  There also has to be informational blogs and educational videos that show you are an expert in your field.  DeliveryMaxx makes this happen on a consistent basis meeting all of your needs in the digital world giving you a stronger reach on the internet allowing you to focus on what you do the best.

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in this arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow our clients immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving our clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Can Your Business Safely Open to Serve Your Market Now?

Small businesses have made the ultimate sacrifice by adhering to government shutdowns.  Instead of debating on if this was right or wrong. (DeliveryMaxx agrees, “The cure cannot be worse than the disease”.)  The whole argument was that it does not make sense to allow the big box businesses such as Walmart, Costco, Home Depot, McDonald’s and others allowed to stay open while smaller businesses had to shut their doors.  If you would get sick by visiting a small business, you have a higher chance to get sick by visiting a larger business with more people.  However, we won’t discuss common sense in this blog.  We will just provide ways for your business to safely open up and start bringing in revenue so you can continue to financially provide for those families who work for you.

First, more and more States are systematically opening up small businesses.  However, the government wants to make sure that your business has and can continue to be free of the virus that might remain on surfaces for a couple of days.  You can also make sure that none of your employees are sick and minimize the risk of spreading the seasonal virus.  If it isn’t COVID-19, it will be another virus that comes around and you should have your business provide the ability to show that it can withstand any potential outbreak now or in the future.  Therefore, we are highly recommending to get your supplies from a company like Apache Commodities.  They sell to large medical institutions and other government entities, but also make sure that the General Public can safely purchase items that the FDA and CDC are recommending everyone to have.  They are looking out for the small business trying to help them open up as well.  You can instantly find the products you need by visiting and have your products delivered within 5-7 days.

For businesses that are in the same boat as DeliveryMaxx (companies that are trying to survive), you must be willing to see and adapt to today’s environment.  That means with more eyes than ever before looking at the internet for information, your business must have a complete digital strategy that includes positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise Content Management, increase in Social Media Engagement and Advertisement and higher Customer Retention.  To meet these strategies businesses must use Blogs, Reviews, Daily Post, Video Messaging, Automated Follow-Up, Email Blast and Website Development & Optimization.

When it comes to an online digital strategy, businesses must make sure their message is concise and supportive of their narrative.  If a business provides a great product or service, there should be several pieces to their online digital media strategy that supports these claims:

Blogs- These are written pieces that have the ability to educate the consumer with facts and supporting documents.  Great stories on how the product or service is being used can validate these assertions.  It is also important to insert current events into these blogs.  Letting the public know that you know what is going on in the world is important.

·         Reviews- Many companies talk about getting a “lot of stars”, but reviews are so much more than that.  The goal is to have customers mention the product/service, why they visited your business and who specifically helped them.  Have you ever notices negative reviews state all of these things, but positive reviews might be a one word or one sentence on why they are happy?  Businesses should make it available and easy for their happy customers to be able to share their complete experience with the world on multiple platforms.  Video Testimonies should also be part of every businesses digital media strategy.  If we can see a customer truly happy, then it is more believable.  If you are a business that still pays for “Fake Reviews” customers can see through this.  Number one, those reviews are not being looked at by the average customer and number two, if you are spending that much time on “Fake Reviews” your business will never achieve maximum profitability.

·         Daily Posts- There must be a method behind your post.  Are the post engaging to customers?  Do they create an emotion that can create a call to action?  If you are paying a company to put the same post on your sites as every other one of their clients sites than you are not understanding how daily post work.  In addition, you should be putting daily post on all of your social media sites to make sure you are optimizing the opportunity to reach additional customers.

·         Video Messaging- There is nothing better than a candid video that talks about your business or the service you provide.  The most searched videos are “How to Videos”.  Everyone utilizes the internet to find information.  If you want people to search your business, you better have the information they are looking for.

·         Automated Follow Up- Customer Retention is easier than finding new customers.  Your digital strategy should have a consistent approach to letting the customer know you care.  This should also be in a digital format to allow your customer to easily share the information with all of their friends and family.

·         Website- When it comes to E-commerce, businesses must understand their website is their digital Brick and Mortal Location.  Their contact information should be very easy to find as well as information on their products or services.  Their site must be optimized, but that means all of their social media sites should drive traffic back to their website.  A business website should also have information that shows why their customers should utilize their business with supporting information.  However, this supporting information should not make it where a customer would leave their site and go to a competitor’s site one button click away.
DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in the digital arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow to immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving their clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

Friday, April 24, 2020

How to Score when the Goalposts Continue to Change

Cincinnati Bengals fans are probably the happiest in the country right now with the first-round pick and LSU Tigers star Joe Burrow set to take snaps if and when the NFL season starts up in a few months.  Being a Dallas Cowboy fan myself, I am happy that Dak Prescott will have another weapon to throw to with CeeDee Lamb falling down to number 17 on the draft board. This is certainly a lot more fun to talk about and even debate than the ongoing arguments of how bad the coronavirus really is and when can we open up the economy to avoid The 2nd Great Depression.  It seems like nobody really wants to lead because elections are coming up and many politicians major source of income is on the backs of the American Tax Payer.  Of course it doesn’t help when the media sensationalizes every death that happens and the CDC is attributing thousands of death to those who might have a symptom that is related to the seasonal virus even though the medical examiner has not confirmed the actual cause of death was caused by COVID-19.  Paying hospitals $12,000 to $40,000 per Coronavirus case answers many skeptics’ questions as to why the politicians, media and many in the medical community want a high number of cases.

With any game that is played, you must know the rules first.  This will allow you to have a strategy and plan accordingly, so you can lead your team to victory.  The first thing that you should know are the facts or landscape of where you are playing, so you can interpret the rules.  This is a Presidential Election Year, the United States was winning the trade war with China and many Democrats and Republicans had grown tired of our President not adhering to the norms of past politicians.

As of Friday, April 24, 2020; the United States has 50,954 total deaths with 26,711 coming from New York and New Jersey. (Yes that includes the 4,000 deaths attributed to victims that were assumed to have the virus but never confirmed.)  Thankfully, this is much less than the 2.2 million deaths that Epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson originally projected and our politicians and media all used to scare Americans into giving up their rights and hide in their homes. (Sort of.  They also allowed businesses like Walmart, Home Depot, Braum’s and other Big Boxes to stay open catering to thousands of people at a time while they demanded small businesses that would be happy to have 1000 customers in a month to shutdown.)

The 2nd Great Depression will cause many more deaths, but that is another game the politicians will get to play at the expense of the people.

We were told to hunker in place for 2-4 weeks because our hospital capacity could not withstand the wave of people. We were told the beds, ventilators and other equipment would get overwhelmed. Graphs with a bell curve were used to show patients vs. hospital capacity to get us on board. We got on board and we did that. We followed the plan.

We sold out our economy and sent our friends and neighbors into financial ruin (or at least complete government dependency) to buy us the time. Our kids missed out on once in a lifetime memory making events such as graduations, proms and sports. Those kids gave those things up for us. Let that never ever be taken lightly. We shut down our churches. We cooperated with the plan. The plan was to prepare our medical system for the wave. That was the plan and we adhered to that plan.
Now, it appears the new goal is to hunker in place until the virus is gone. Yes, they are moving the goalposts on us. The original plan was to hunker in place to gain time to arrange for the curve of patients to hospital bed capacity. The new goalpost is to hunker for more time.

Is it to hunker down until the virus is gone?  Hunkering in place until its gone presents a couple things that we have to put into consideration. 1) Everyone has to get COVID-19 but it will be slowly, so hold on until that is completed or 2) We come up with a vaccine that everyone in the world MUST take.  Both of these scenarios mean a VERY long time in hunker down mode. Of course no one wants to do the math on the loss of life that comes along with staying in the hunker down mode. Even if someone does that math, our media will not show it, and of course the hired jesters of the world (Jimmie Kimmel, Steve Colbert, Jimmie Fallen....) will mock and discredit the information.

As a small business owner, you must rely on tools and networking to survive in this climate, much like football teams that play Green Bay Packers in December!  Make no mistake, the government and mainstream media is not going to worry about you, so you will have to build up your brand and create a loyal customer following.  It will be important for you to stay consistent and vigilant during these tough times.  A couple of things you can do that will help you weather the storm as the local Mayors and County Judges continue to move the goalpost: Networking, Helping Others, Stay Transparent and Show Empathy for Others.  By doing this you will build a strong team willing to play hard on both sides of the ball.  DeliveryMaxx still believes that providing a strong moral compass will be advantageous to you in the future.

Now, every team has a strategy.  Your game plan must include the willingness to adapt no matter how corrupt the referees are in the game.  To recover or even avoid being completely shut down, businesses must embrace a technological transformation in automation as well as trying to provide their message to the masses gaining a reach to solicit, sell and service their products.  In today’s world, businesses now more than ever must have a digital strategy.  Today it is the Coronavirus, tomorrow it will be something else.  Our customers are spending more hours of the day online shopping, researching or mindless browsing.  That means with more eyes than ever before looking at the internet for information, your business must have a complete digital strategy that includes positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise Content Management, increase in Social Media Engagement and Advertisement and higher Customer Retention.  To meet these strategies businesses must use Blogs, Reviews, Daily Post, Video Messaging, Automated Follow-Up, Email Blast and Website Development & Optimization.

Tom Brady and the New England Patriots certainly understood how to win.  Each time the rules were changed they adapted.  When the NFL made rules to keep them from having an advantage, they adapted again.  (It’s been since 1995 that the Cowboys have adapted well enough to add to their 5 Super Bowl Championships!)

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in the digital arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  Our clients experience positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise content management, increase in social media engagement and advertisement and higher customer retention.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow to immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving their clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!