Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How to tie your Shoe when the shoelace is Broke

If you were a kid growing up in a middleclass or below middle class family you probably have a smile on your face right now after reading the title of this blog.  You can remember the sneakers you once had that were perfectly fine, but as you were lacing them up just before school while rushing quickly to catch the bus before it pulled around the corner, the lace broke.  (Those of you that had the Velcro laces were the envy of all of us because you didn’t have this issue.)  Since your parents bought your shoes a size or two big for growing room, you had to have the laces tied tight so you would not lose the shoe as you ran to where you needed to go.

For most of us, this was our first experience of adversity.  We would have to take the lace completely out of the shoe.  We would have to even the lace up and thread it through each of the eyelets (which is the hole that is meant for threading a cord of a lace) without the aglet/ aiglet (which is a small sheath made of plastic).  Sometimes we would try to wrap duct tape to make this process easier and other times we would just lick the end of the lace to create a point for easier navigation.  A non-scientific study says that many business owners were groomed for success because of this adversity.

Fast-forward to 2020.  Through no fault of many small businesses, they are faced with closing their doors forever.  Because of the lack of leadership at the government level providing misinformation through daily news conferences, mainstream media creating fear by sensationalizing outlying stories that are not the norm and big banks squeezing out the true small businesses by taking care of their larger clients; the small business is left to do everything they can to keep their business alive.

Although the goal post continue to change as quickly as the calculations of the future mortality rate of the Coronavirus, the government restrictions will one day be lifted.  Small businesses will have to make sure they continue to adapt to the change of rules and society’s new norms.  It will be difficult and many businesses will not be able to survive, but those that do will look a lot different than they did as little as four months ago.  Those of you who used shoe polish to whiten up your old shoes will know exactly what I mean by this!  (Just make sure you clean the mud off and don’t try to take a shortcut by polishing over the mud.)
There are several things businesses must do to assure themselves to recover.  (DeliveryMaxx is in the same boat as you just trying to survive.  When our clients are hurting, we are hurting.  If they cannot receive revenue, we do not receive revenue and that means our employees suffer.)  More eyes than ever before are looking at the internet for information.  Your business must have a complete digital strategy that includes positive Online Reputation, stronger SEO, concise Content Management, increase in Social Media Engagement and Advertisement and higher Customer Retention.  To meet these strategies businesses must use Blogs, Reviews, Daily Post, Video Messaging, Automated Follow-Up, Email Blast and Website Development & Optimization.

·         Blogs- These are written pieces that have the ability to educate the consumer with facts and supporting documents.  Great stories on how the product or service is being used can validate these assertions.  It is also important to insert current events into these blogs.  Letting the public know that you know what is going on in the world is important.

·         Reviews- Many companies talk about getting a “lot of stars”, but reviews are so much more than that.  The goal is to have customers mention the product/service, why they visited your business and who specifically helped them.  Have you ever notices negative reviews state all of these things, but positive reviews might be a one word or one sentence on why they are happy?  Businesses should make it available and easy for their happy customers to be able to share their complete experience with the world on multiple platforms.  Video Testimonies should also be part of every businesses digital media strategy.  If we can see a customer truly happy, then it is more believable.  If you are a business that still pays for “Fake Reviews” customers can see through this.  Number one, those reviews are not being looked at by the average customer and number two, if you are spending that much time on “Fake Reviews” your business will never achieve maximum profitability.

·         Daily Post- There must be a method behind your post.  Are the post engaging to customers?  Do they create an emotion that can create a call to action?  If you are paying a company to put the same post on your sites as every other one of their clients sites than you are not understanding how daily post work.  In addition, you should be putting daily post on all of your social media sites to make sure you are optimizing the opportunity to reach additional customers.  Be sure to post on all of your Social Media Sites.  However, you will want to make sure they are optimize driving traffic back to your website.

·         Video Messaging- There is nothing better than a candid video that talks about your business or the service you provide.  The most searched videos are “How to Videos”.  Everyone utilizes the internet to find information.  If you want people to search your business, you better have the information they are looking for.

·         Automated Follow Up- Customer Retention is easier than finding new customers.  Your digital strategy should have a consistent approach to letting the customer know you care.  This should also be in a digital format to allow your customer to easily share the information with all of their friends and family.

·         Email Blast- If you have an ad campaign or important information you want to put into the hands of all of your clients, this is one of the easiest ways to do it.  We don’t recommend to overpopulate your clients’ inbox, but strategic plans of actions can enhance your digital media strategy.

·         Website Development & Optimization- This is your new store front.  Since many brick & mortal locations have been shut down, you must have a great website that is easy to navigate and ultimately allowing customers to purchase or find information out about your services.  It should be optimized so your customer can find you.

In addition business should do the following:

·         Network.  The more people you meet and learn what they do the more opportunities you might find that your business can perform.

·         Help Others.  There is nothing better when a small business identifies an opportunity to help another small business.  Look for passing on referrals, using that business for a need you might have, consider partnering or trading services with the business.  Talk with your clients as they might be able to help you or vice versa.  Look to your competition.  Together, you might become stronger or have ways to help each other during this time.

·         Be willing to Adapt.  Even when the government runs out of excuses to keep the economy closed, we will never be able to go back to the way things were.  Be sure your business is adapting to the new ways consumers will be shopping or interacting with your business.  You will want to make sure you can operate in a digital world.

·         Show Empathy.  Many people believe everything they have heard on TV.  They are scared of the unknown and instantly feel this virus will kill everyone.  Obviously, this isn’t true, but don’t blame them for being so naïve.  Realize that they really think one might die just by walking outside if that is all they have heard the past 3 to 4 months.  As frustrating as it might be, don’t yell at them because they will argue with emotions and not facts.  Screaming and yelling will not make them understand logic any better and only scare them more.  Understand that others might have something that you take for granted, but to them it is a necessity of life.

·         Continue to Fight.  DeliveryMaxx has taken the position to expose the misinformation our government and mainstream media continues to feed America.  However, we are also providing real solutions and tools to help businesses to not fall into what is looking like being The 2nd Great Depression.  We know how hard you have worked to build a company that provides not only for your family, but also 10 or more other families.  Your voice must be heard, so don’t be afraid to let others know what these decisions are doing to your company.

DeliveryMaxx has been the leader in the digital media arena over the last decade and continues to help businesses in all sectors reach their potential customers through the most innovative digital strategy utilizing common sense and today’s technology.  We are able to customize and create a strategy for any entity that is trying to gain more exposure on the web.  With clients in multiple industries and across the country such as Automotive Dealerships, Real-Estate Brokers & Agents, Churches, Service Industry, Sports Teams, Non-Profit Organizations and more; we utilize our Patent-Pending Program to develop a digital strategy that will meet the needs of sales, service and messaging to the masses.

DeliveryMaxx is one of the only digital media company that provides a simple to use app which will allow our clients immediately collect online reviews, post engaging videos and online content with branding and advertising.  The program is embedded with digital code helping increase SEO which provides first page results on the Search Engines.  It is a tool that is implanted with a complete digital strategy giving our clients a competitive advantage over the competition.  For more information about DeliveryMaxx contact (888) 938-6299 or watch the DeliveryMaxx Introduction Video!

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